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Zróżnicowanie typów siedliskowych lasu, gleb i utworów geologicznych zespołu Betulo-Quercetum w zasięgu Nadleśnictwa Międzyzdroje
2023, Smyk, Regina, Smoliga, Aleksander, Konatowska, Monika
The habitat diversity of birch-oak forests, classified as natural habitats in the Natura 2000 network, is poorly recognized in Poland. This differentiation is important, among others, for assigning birch-oak forests to a specific type of natural habitat, which, depending on the geological sediment, can be classified as 2180, 91D0 or 9190 types. In the Międzyzdroje Forest District, the Betulo-Quercetum plant association is dominated by the sands of coastal dunes, which means dominance of 2180 habitat type.