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A review: Pancreatic enzymes in the treatment of chronic pancreatic insufficiency in companion animals

2024, Szkopek, Dominika, Pierzynowski, Stefan G., Pierzynowska, Kateryna, Zaworski, Kamil, Kondej, Agata, Wychowański, Piotr, Konieczka, Paweł, Seklecka, Blanka, Donaldson, Janine, Jank, Michał, Woliński, Jarosław

AbstractThe purpose of this review was to analyze the scientific literature on exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) in dogs and cats and our own research on porcine model to compare animal‐ and microbial‐derived enzymes in the treatment of animals with this disease. Clinical signs of EPI occur when more than 85% of the pancreatic parenchyma is non‐functional. EPI can be a consequence of various diseases. The insufficient activity or deficiency of pancreatic enzymes leads to impaired digestion and absorption, and consequently, to malnutrition. The primary treatment for enzyme insufficiency is pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT). PERT in animals with EPI is a lifetime therapy. Most commercially available products are of animal origin (processed pancreata obtained from a slaughter house) and contain lipases, alpha‐amylase, and proteases. Enzymes of microbial and plant origin seem to be a promising alternative to animal‐derived enzymes, but to date there are no registered preparations containing all enzymes simultaneously for use in clinical practice to treat EPI. Results from some previous studies have highlighted the “extra‐digestive” functions of pancreatic enzymes, as well as the actions of pancreatic‐like microbial enzymes. For example, trypsin activates protease‐activated receptor and provokes maturation of enterocytes and enterostatin inhibits fat absorption. It has been postulated that intrapancreatic amylase is the main component of the acini‐islet‐acinar axis—the reflex which down regulates insulin release, while gut and blood amylase exhibit anti‐incretin actions “per se.” Additionally, high but still physiological blood amylase activity coincide with physiological glucose homeostasis and a lack of obesity.