Interplay between vertebrate adaptive immunity and bacterial infectivity genes: Bank vole MHC versus Borrelia afzelii OspC
2024, Różańska‐Wróbel, Joanna, Migalska, Magdalena, Urbanowicz, Anna, Grzybek, Maciej, Rego, Ryan O. M., Bajer, Anna, Dwuznik‐Szarek, Dorota, Alsarraf, Mohammed, Behnke-Borowczyk, Jolanta, Behnke, Jerzy M., Radwan, Jacek
AbstractCoevolution of parasites with their hosts may lead to balancing selection on genes involved in determining the specificity of host–parasite interactions, but examples of such specific interactions in wild vertebrates are scarce. Here, we investigated whether the polymorphic outer surface protein C (OspC), used by the Lyme disease agent, Borrelia afzelii, to manipulate vertebrate host innate immunity, interacts with polymorphic major histocompatibility genes (MHC), while concurrently eliciting a strong antibody response, in one of its main hosts in Europe, the bank vole. We found signals of balancing selection acting on OspC, resulting in little differentiation in OspC variant frequencies between years. Neither MHC alleles nor their inferred functional groupings (supertypes) significantly predicted the specificity of infection with strains carrying different OspC variants. However, we found that MHC alleles, but not supertypes, significantly predicted the level of IgG antibodies against two common OspC variants among seropositive individuals. Our results thus indicate that MHC alleles differ in their ability to induce antibody responses against specific OspC variants, which may contribute to selection of OspC polymorphism by the vole immune system.