The Effect of the Cultivar and Process Parameters on Quality and Biologically Active Compounds Content in Impregnated Carrot Tissue
Journal article
Date issued
Szadzińska, Justyna
Gapiński, Bartosz
Kowiel, Angelika
Mierzwa, Dominik
Wydział Nauk o Żywności i Żywieniu
Wydział Rolnictwa, Ogrodnictwa i Biotechnologii
PBN discipline
food and nutrition technology
Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
Web address
Pages from-to
art. 11984
Abstract (EN)
Vacuum impregnation (VI) allows soluble solids to be introduced into the porous matrix of a food material, modifying the composition of the tissue to facilitate further processing. The purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of pressure on the effectiveness of VI on a low porous material that is difficult to impregnate. Two cultivars of carrot (Baltimore F1 and Komarno) were subjected to VI at 5 and 30 kPa in a ternary solution of ascorbic acid (0.5%), citric acid (0.5%), and sucrose (8%) under isotonic conditions. The products were analyzed in terms of ascorbic acid content, degree of impregnation, and changes in structure, texture, color, antioxidant activity, phenolic content, carotenoids, and structure-forming compounds. Increases in vitamin C content (after VI) depended on the process conditions and ranged from 900% to 1300% in relation to the raw material. It was also observed that the extended impregnation time at a pressure of 5 kPa produced slices that were also impregnated in parenchyma area. The increased levels of polyphenolic compounds found in the saturated product may suggest that de novo synthesis under the influence of physiological stress had occurred.
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Open access date
December 21, 2024